Stainless Steel Curb Turbine Base, StainlessCurb
General Characteristics: Stainless Steel Curb Turbine Base, StainlessCurb
The StainlessCurb is a stainless steel made curb base made for stainless steel turbines.
Installed properly the curb bases will stop the turbines from leaking water.
For Industrial, commercial and residential use.
Outdoor use only.
Perfect for ventilation, cooling and the extraction of fumes, dust, smoke, pollen or gases ect.
The StainlessCurb bases are made from sheet stainless steel, with excellent manufacturing detail.
The stanliess steel bases for the turbines, allow them to operate correctly and more efficiently.
All turbines and bases must be leveled horizontally for them to work properly and have proper air flow.
Product Applications: Stainless Steel Curb Turbine Base, StainlessCurb
These bases are used with our Turbine Vents for ventilation in small, medium, and large areas, bathrooms, warehouses, factories, commercial buildings, and all large ventilation projects.
For residential, commercial and industrial use.
Used outdoors
Warranty: Stainless Steel Curb Turbine Base, StainlessCurb
Manufacturer’s Limited Warranty: 10 Years, void with Tornados, Hurricanes, and Chemical Destruction