Radiant Cove Heater Workshops, CVX Series Radiant Cove Ceiling Heater with Bracket
General Characteristics: Radiant Cove Heater Workshops, CVX Series Radiant Cove Ceiling Heater with Bracket
Cove heaters have a subtly contoured concave surface with a saw-tooth profile. The concave parabolic face plate performs a two-fold function: (1) it focuses the infrared rays and (2) directs the heat downward along cold perimeters and toward the center of the room. The sawtooth surface design increases the radiating surface area by 45%, thereby increasing the comfort level of the room faster and ensuring more rapid recovery from heat losses.
Furnish and install electric cove heaters where specified. The heaters shall be constructed of .096” thick Aluminum. The heater surface shall be concave in contour and saw-tooth in profile. The finish shall be of powder coat white finish. The heaters shall be available in ratings from 450 through 1250 Watts, at 120, 240, 208 and 277 Volts. The heating element shall be of Nichrome wire, embedded in Magnesium Oxide powder, enclosed and sealed in Aluminum metal tubing. The heater shall be listed by ETL and the elements shall be supplied with a one year limited warranty. Made in U.S.A.
Product Applications: Radiant Cove Heater Workshops, CVX Series Radiant Cove Ceiling Heater with Bracket
Air Heater for Forced Ceiling.
Warranty: Radiant Cove Heater Workshops, CVX Series Radiant Cove Ceiling Heater with Bracket
Manufacturer's Limited Warranty: 1 Year.