Radial Louver Cone Diffuser, 3470 Series Commercial Fan Forced Surface Mounted Ceiling Heater with Single Pole Thermostat
General Characteristics: Radial Louver Cone Diffuser, 3470 Series Commercial Fan Forced Surface Mounted Ceiling Heater with Single Pole Thermostat
Made in U.S.A.
Contractor shall supply and install heavy duty ceiling mounted forced air electric heater(s) of the wattage, voltage and phase as indicated on the plans. The heater shall so be designed to provide an even distribution of heated air to the space to be heated by drawing return air in the periphery of the heater, across and through the element and be discharged from the center section of the heater by mean of an electric motor and axial flow fan blade.
Motor shall be permanently lubricated, unit bearing, totally enclosed shaded pole type with impedance protection. Motors shall operate at no more than 1300 RPM and shall be same voltage as the heater.
Heaters shall have a rating of 600 CFM at 1,000 F.P.M. with a maximum temperature rise of 44°F and 63.9 dB rating.
Element assemblies shall consist of two or three corrosion resistant steel sheathed type elements mechanically bonded to common corrosion resistant steel fins. Each sheathed element shall consist of helically coiled Nickel Chromium alloy resistant wire completely embedded in and surrounded by Magnesium Oxide, enclosed and wedged into corrosion resistant steel sheaths. Elements shall have 2” cold conductor pins extending into sheath and shall have a density of no more than 60 watts per inch.
Heaters shall be equipped with a “manual reset” thermal overload which disconnects elements and motor in the event normal operating temperatures are exceeded. For safety, if opened due to abnormal temperature, thermal overload shall remain open until manually reset. Automatic reset thermal overloads which allow the element to continue to cycle under abnormal conditions will not be accepted.
Use in - vestibules, entrance ways, lobbies, rest rooms and small office and guard building applications.
Optional controls must be factory installed. Field installation is not acceptable and violates Listing and factory warranty.
Degree F air rise is measured at 1,000 F.P.M. and 600 CFM. Throw designed for 8 to 12 foot ceilings.
Decibel rating 63.9.
Unit weight: 42 lbs.
Recommended Remote Thermostats: Low Voltage: UT1001.
Maximum mounting is 12’ AFF.
Product Applications: Radial Louver Cone Diffuser, 3470 Series Commercial Fan Forced Surface Mounted Ceiling Heater with Single Pole Thermostat
Air Heater for Forced Ceiling.
Warranty: Radial Louver Cone Diffuser, 3470 Series Commercial Fan Forced Surface Mounted Ceiling Heater with Single Pole Thermostat
Manufacturer's Limited Warranty: 1 Year.