Heater 2600 series heavy duty fan, 2600 Series Downflow Unit Heater Roof Mounted with Bracket
General Characteristics: Heater 2600 series heavy duty fan, 2600 Series Downflow Unit Heater Roof Mounted with Bracket
The contractor shall furnish and install the 2600 Series electric vertical discharge unit heaters of the size, capacity and voltage specified. Heaters shall be installed according to the manufacturer’s recommendations and applicable national and local codes.
Elements shall consist of Nickel Chromium alloy resistance wire embedded and completely surrounded in Magnesium Oxide, enclosed and swagged into corrosion resistant sheaths. Corrosion resistant steel fins shall be permanently attached to the sheaths to provide maximum heat transfer to the air stream.
Motors shall be single phase, resilient mounted, totally enclosed, industrial rated with an automatic reset thermal overload protective device. Motors on heaters up to 20 KW capacity shall be permanently lubricated shaded pole type. Over 20 KW, motors shall be permanent split capacitor type. Motors shall be mounted out of the main air stream in such a manner as to allow ambient air to be drawn over the motor to reduce motor temperature. Motor shall be separately removable from beneath the heater without removing the entire heater from mounting bracket.
Fan blades shall be heavy-duty individually balanced axial flow type. Fan speed shall not exceed 1570 RPM.
All heaters shall be equipped with a manual reset thermal cutout which disconnects elements and motor in the event normal operating temperatures are exceeded.
Heaters shall be designed for a single supply circuit with elements, motor and control circuits subdivided and fused to conform with the latest National Electric Code and OSHA requirements. All three phase heaters shall have balanced phases.
Heaters shall be controlled by a low voltage wall mounted thermostat. All heaters 25 KW and larger shall be wired for 2 stage operation. 5 KW through 20 KW units are single stage. All heaters shall be equipped with a fan safety device that causes fan to operate after elements are de-energized to purge unit of residual heat.
Includes Bracket
Product Applications: Heater 2600 series heavy duty fan, 2600 Series Downflow Unit Heater Roof Mounted with Bracket
Recommended for all industrial, commercial, and residential. For indoor and outdoor use.
Warranty: Heater 2600 series heavy duty fan, 2600 Series Downflow Unit Heater Roof Mounted with Bracket
Manufacturer's Limited Warranty: 1 Year.