Extractores Eolicos, GalvoTurbo
General Characteristics: Extractores Eolicos, GalvoTurbo
These Wind Extractors or GalvoTurbo VentDepot Wind Extractors, has been designed and manufactured in Galvanized Sheet.
It is definitely an economical and optimal way to ventilate industrial buildings, and it is maintenance-free, occupying the first places in ecological equipment for atmospheric extraction or wind extractors.
It has two high-tech bearings, stainless steel bullets.
Each of the Wind Extractors has 21 aerodynamically curved blades, with a total of 42 AquaChannels, two for each blade.
Completely waterproof to rain, simple frame type, resistant to winds of up to 110 km / hr.
Adjustable neck for sloping roofs of up to 45 °.
The wind extractors represent a total saving of electrical energy.
Designed with international standards and approved by the IVS (Industrial Ventilation Society).
Product Applications: Extractores Eolicos, GalvoTurbo
Extracts: Heat, steam, smoke, odors, solvents and gases.
The main use of wind extractors is in: General ventilation of large warehouses, industrial warehouses, workshops, warehouses and / or places with high salinity or humidity, offices, hotels, housing complexes, condominiums, commercial premises, warehouses, etc.
Warranty: Extractores Eolicos, GalvoTurbo
3 (Three) years of Guarantee certified in writing in all the parts and operation, subject to the clauses